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Press Quotes

"Brilliant…cleverly entertaining" 
- Charles Einstein, Sunday Star Ledger

“Stephen is a great entertainer. I’m always thrilled to work with him. His talent is extraordinary. Every show is a treasure!”
- Debbie Reynolds

“Its uncanny  just how bang on target Stephen Sorrentino is with his unique impressions. Add in the clever comedy, his sassy showmanship and that victorious voice & it’s the perfect recipe for Entertainment with a capital E”
Robin Leach

“This Production is a tour de force for Sorrentino to show off his abundance of Talents”

- Chuck Rounds, IGO​​

"This was an amaing show. No one goes on stage and grabs an audience like that in showbusiness today."

- (Veteran actor) Chuck Mc Cann 

"That was F***ing Awesome"

- Joanne Worley

“Sorrentino plays his characters with hilarious show stealing gusto"
- Variety   


“Mad Magazine Sensibility that defies formula and keeps you on your toes. Refreshingly different”

- Mike Weatherfor, Las Vegas review journal

“Gamely Funny…vocal leaping”
- Michael Musto, Village Voice​

“His originality and multi-faceted talent will have you rolling on the floor with laughter”
- Where Magazine​​

“Stephen Sorrentino is a total kick. He has a rubber face the equivalent to Jim Carrey… a guaranteed laugh”

- Doug Philips, IMDb review

“Sorrentino proved to ba at least (Dana) Carvey’s comic equal as he left the audience in stitches”

- Tim McDarrah, Las Vegas SUN

“Spot-on mimcry”…A truly bizarre piece”
- David J. Spatz, New York Daily News​

“Sorrentino grabs the audiences attention and never lets go”

- Lorraine Zendka,​

“Sorrentino is a wonderful showman. He is an impressionist, musician, comedian, singer, all rolled up into one dynamic performer.”

- Casino Perks on Line review

“There is not a moment when you’re not either laughing or remmebering a moment in your own life or sitting in awe”

- Norm Johnson, Entertainment Today

“A one man variety show” 
- Barvara Scherzer, Las Vegas Mercury Magazine​

“Sorrentino was excellent. (He) opened the show and set the mood and tempo, which was non stop”

- Joe Delaney, Las Vegas SUN

“Sorrentino oozes talent”

- Scott Cronick, At the Shore- Atlantic City​

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